With Dead Poets and Drum Machines
Approximately 2am, i flipped my shit.
I was just trying to go to sleep.
As if it wasn't hard enough because i screwed my sleeping schedule, my genius neighbors decided that they'll set off firecrackers to be obnoxious patriotic.
Everyone else is asleep as they should be and when they're asleep and i'm awake at night, i'm terrifed, because i know that's when the chupacabras get you.
But i close my eyes
Of course, chupacabras aren't real.
And then i feel something up against my leg
I grab, throw and BOOK IT (instinct)
Cause i swear it was this
and that's not cockroach shaped chocolate
I RUN into my mama's room screaming and turn on her lights
And she wakes up screaming "Ohhhhh Jeeesssuuss!" cause that's how she do
And i'm like "something crawled on my leg! I think it was a water bug, i dunno, it was big!! Go get it."
She gives me this sleepy wtf stare.
except it was angrier because she wanted to punch me
She goes "where is it?"
"i don't know!" I pictured it waiting for delicious Chia
My momma didn't care, she was getting ready to go back to sleep, she says "then, go get it."
And i'm thinking, HELL.NAW
While my shit is flippin, you want me to go where chupacabra-roach is waiting for my soul and "get it"?!
She was trippin.
So she turns on the light and walks into my room with momma bear swagga, lifts up my blanket and the other crap i throw on my bed, and magically, there's no chupacabra-roach.
"It probably ran away. Stop eating in your room", and she walks away.
I stare after her in wonder.
Maybe someday i will have cajones as big as my mother's.
I cleared my bed, just in case it was still lurking, and i notice a shirt.
And this is attached to the shirt
woo ima price tag! i'm gunna pretend to be a cucaracha and while you're trying to sleep, i will tickle you and cause your shit to flip everywhereeeee. hee hee hee.
x. Chia
keep watching, he's very dedicated
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