Even If The Sky Is Falling Down
I am having a fashion epiphany/revolution as of now.
I've spent so much time looking at TONS of fashion blogs and how they (seemingly) effortlessly put something together.
They're all pretty, lots of them skinny, and i always wonder who's taking thier damn pictures everyday.
It makes me want a camera.
I should steal Audrey's.
But anyway, this whole revolution thing, i blame high school.
I never cared how i looked before, i went to school with a dress code and it was fcking great!
Collared shirt, slacks, flats and sweater if it was cold.
The most switching up i ever had to do was not wear the same clothes twice in a row.
This one day i went all out and i wore...earrings ( i was unstoppable)
I'd be damned if i knew what liquid eyeliner was.
Makeup is a touchy subject.
I'm not sure if i like or don't like that people know i'm wearing any (it's just eyeliner that's gone by 12:00, sometimes equally unnoticable mascara but it makes me feel like a big girl!) but my worst fear is that someday when i will be too lazy to throw something on, my eyes are gonna look pretty blegh.
You know, when people aren't wearing eye makeup it's very noticeable if they're been wearing it a lot for a while.
I call it where-yo-makeup-at syndrome.
Moving on, now!
I'm internet shopping like crazy, internet window shopping like crazier and inspired like craziest.
I think it's kinda worthless though because i'll never have the nerve to try some of these things and i can definitely never pull a lot of it off.
WHY didn't i get this epiphany last summer, before i started school
It's too hard to change styles :/
My newest obsession is this picture blog-esque thing full of people prettier than me, wearing clothes more expensive than my soul and making me jealous as hell.
I see myself now as having a first-decent-clean-things-i-touch that-i-don't-feel-fat-in style.
I think i could easily grow into T-Swift + S-Gomez style.
But i'm really diggin the Taylor Momsen style, so the conflict is so very obvious.
I wanna be these people
Screw self-consciousness!
I'm gonna try them anyway.
'Nay, Chia,' you warn, ' You will look like a mess. A big stinkin' i-don't-think-we-should-be-seen-together-in public-and-we-might-not-be-friends-anymore-also-your-family-will-disown-you mess. Albeit a hot mess.'
Thank you for the concern imaginary people that care, but i am determined!