You Know I'd Catch A Grenade For Ya
I am ridiculously thankful 2010 is over, at least it ended on a good note.
Great things happened this year.
Has anyone else noticed though, the past two years have been kinda crappy?
It's all gone down since '08, son
This is what i want in 2011
-Less global warming so all these penguins and polar beans can stop dying and stuff and then celebrities can stop making those commercials that make me feel bad
-Obama needs to get on his shxt
-Is the recession over? I don't know. If it's not gone, it needs to bounce
Once we have our money back, a president that lets us keep our regained money and no fear of the sun killing us, the U. S. will just kinda brighten up
But the news ALWAYS finds something to complain about
If it's not recession, it's swine flu, if not that then bed bugs, if not that then Jersey Shore and if not that then they focus on the 'youth' of America
When there's no news adults complain about the youth and how we bully and are obese or something. Watch the news, it's true.
New Years Resolutions:
a. Friends must not, not, keep me from schoolwork
b. Schoolwork must not, not cut into friend time or we're gonna have a problem
c. Must. Exercise. MORE.
d. Must volunteer more
e. Must be happy more
f. Avoid CVS and thier money sucking ways
x. Chia