Cause I Can't Wait, Wait, Wait

I have an intense, deep need for an alter ego.
One that kind of dosen't make any sense like Lady Gaga, but make's more sense than turtles playing in peanut butter.
With a hint of V.V Brown, goregeous Beyonce-worthy hair, and the catchy, um-she's-not-really-singing, vibe of Ke$ha and the Ting Tings.
With this in mind, i proclaim her, this girl, right here

as my alter i-really-wish-i-was-cool-but-at-least-my-friends-still-like-me ego.


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god i love this show.

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Gimme, Gimme, Gimme What You Got, Got

I feel like my whole year has been me kind of realizing that i have to make up my mind of who i want to become. I can see perfectly well what makes most people i know covetably special, and i can't figure out my fruit loop. As for this future person, i have no idea who that is yet, but i'm really hoping it involves a big slice of Audrey. and Nessa. And Rochelle, and Angelo, and Ayaka and Janelle, and Heidy,and Alanna, and Amiyo, and omfg, i have a lot of amazing friends. I think that my forever aspiration will now be; should i ever meet myself from the future, first and foremost, i better be damn proud. I better feel gorgeous, be fun, know how to dance, have tons of street cred, and at least be a little smarter than most people around me, which will enable me to brag and use big words such as lagniappe. I want swagga and elegance. I want my alclarity (oh damn) to be mother friggin enviable. With that, i will be satisfied.

If all else fails, i'll be a big black girl. They're always funny.

Also, i wanna be a hipster.


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That will be me.
(The penguin not faceplanting)

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